How to clean your blinds without taking them down

How to Clean Your Blinds Without Taking Them Down

Posted by Michael Schwartz on 10-01-2024

While cleaning the house, people don’t focus on the blinds. More often than not, a quick dusting is all that the blinds get. Sometimes, it is because of several other – more important – areas of the house that need cleaning. Mostly, it is because the entire process of taking the blinds down and deep cleaning them can be daunting. 

Yet, it does not have to be. There are a few tips and tricks for cleaning blinds that will make your job quick and effective. 

Before getting into the cleaning process, the type of blinds you have will dictate the cleaning process. Blinds in Toronto are available in all shapes and types, and while most homes have the same or two different blinds throughout the house, some prefer different types of blinds to suit different areas of the house. 

The types of blinds include:

Cleaning Blinds Without Taking Them Down

While the most effective – and time-consuming – way of cleaning your blinds in Toronto is to take them down and deep clean them from one end to the other, there may not be enough time for this. 

The best alternative is to use a combination of household items, including microfibre cloths, dusters, dish soap or rubbing alcohol, warm water, and/or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment. You can clean most blinds using these supplies, but the process will slightly differ depending on your blind type.

Getting Started

Most horizontal blinds, be it Venetian or faux wood blinds, will include plastic, PVC, vinyl blinds, or others and can be cleaned using a microfibre cloth, warm water, and some mild dish soap. You can even ditch the microfibre cloth and wear a sock on your hand. Note you should not clean wooden blinds with a wet cloth or any cleaning spray.

  1. Open the Blinds: It is easier to wipe down the blinds while closed as they present a tall, flat surface, but it is not ideal if you want to deep clean blinds in Toronto. For this, you should first open the blinds so that they are perpendicular to you and the thin edges are visible. It prevents missing the overlapping areas of the blinds in the closed position.
  2. Cleaning Solution: Dip your microfibre cloth or sock in the mild dish soap or vinegar and warm water solution, but ensure it is not soaking wet. You can also spray a cleaning solution on the blinds before wiping.
  3. Wipe Each Blade: Gently wipe each blade of your blind from both ends. You may have to repeat this step depending on your blind’s dirt level. Ensure you get both sides and the edges on all four sides (sides + front and back). If you use a sock, open your hand like a mitten and gently clamp each blade as you move from one side to the other.
  4. Properly Clean Your Cloth: Make sure to squeeze and clean your cleaning cloth after every few blades, as it will gather dust from the blinds and is not as effective in cleaning the next set of blades.

Cleaning Wooden or Woven Wood Blinds

Avoid using water to clean wooden blinds as it can damage them. Instead, use a dry cloth to wipe them clean or a vacuum cleaner. If you use a dry cloth, open the blinds before cleaning them.

For cleaning with a vacuum cleaner, you can clean the blinds in their closed position and then open them for better access to the edges. Putting a brush attachment on the vacuum will help agitate the dust as the vacuum sucks everything up. Keep the vacuum at its lowest setting or a bit higher, depending on how dirty the blinds are.  

Cleaning Cloth/ Woven Fabric Blinds

The process of cleaning cloth or woven fabric blinds in Toronto is a bit different from other types of blinds and can be more time-consuming. First and foremost, you need to be more gentle with these blinds, and secondly, you may have to use both the vacuum cleaner and a cleaning solution for the most effective results. 

1. Close the Blinds 

Lower your horizontal blinds or draw the vertical blinds so they are extended. If you need to, tilt the slats so the entire surface that needs cleaning is exposed. 

2. Vacuum with Brush Attachment

Using the upholstery brush attachment and the vacuum at the lowest setting, go over the blinds to suck up the majority of the dust and dirt. You must stabilize the blinds with one hand as you vacuum over them for effective cleaning. 

Make sure to vacuum both sides of the blinds (front and back). If you do not have a vacuum, use a microfiber cloth to wipe down each slat.

3. Stain Inspection 

Homeowners should inspect their cloth or woven fabric blinds for any stains after vacuuming. If there are no visible stains, there is nothing left to do. If you do spot any stains, move on to the next step.

4. Cleaning Solutions 

Cleaning solutions can eliminate stains by mixing a few drops of dishwashing liquid in lukewarm water. Agitate the solution to ensure the dishwashing liquid has mixed well in the water. 

5. Attack the stains

Microfiber cloths dipped in the solution you just made can attack stubborn stains and clean the blinds. Remove the excess water from the microfibre cloth before rubbing it on the stained area. Avoid scrubbing the area, as you could damage the fabric. Instead, dab the stained area until you eliminate the stain. 

Then, finally, use another microfibre cloth dipped (damp, not wet) in plain water and wipe away the soapy residue from the solution. 

6. Air dry

It is best to avoid applying direct heat to the wet area of the blinds. Allow the blinds to dry on their own.

How to Clean Your Blinds Without Taking Them Down: Final Thoughts

Even without the hassle of taking the blinds down, you can effectively clean them using household supplies. You don’t have to do this deep cleaning daily or weekly. However, you should clean them regularly. Clean blinds add to the clean look of your home.  

For more information about cleaning your blinds in Toronto or a free estimate for installing new blinds, call Window Blinds Direct at 416-459-5600 or contact us here